Question & Answer- Lipo Ultrasonic Cavitation

Question & Answer- Lipo Ultrasonic Cavitation

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Are the results similar to a liposuction?

Yes, but because the procedures are non-invasive and work with your body’s natural elimination and detoxification processes, results are not as immediate as surgical liposuction. Fat is removed gently without harming the vascular system and without post-operative symptoms such as scarring and pain.

How is it possible to remove solid fat through the lymphatic and urinary systems?

The Ultrasound Cavitation Non-Surgical “Liposuction” emulsifies fat and coverts solid fat into a liquid substance that is easy to remove through the lymphatic and urinary systems. Some of the melted fat will be used for energy and the rest will be excreted through the urine that is why drinking water is essential. If you do not drink adequate water before and after each treatment, it will be harder for your system to remove the fat. You may notice an increase in urination after each session.

Is Ultrasound Cavitation painful?

No, most clients consider the procedure painless and comfortable. During the treatment you will feel a soothing heat in the targeted area. A little “blushing” or reddening may occasionally appear but it does not cause pain. The heat generated is perfectly tolerable. There may be a slight discomfort due to the specific low frequency ultrasound noise experienced, but it poses no harm and disappears as soon as you are not in contact with the transducer. The treatment can be compared to the feeling of finishing an intense workout.

 How long should i perform treatment?

Each area should be treated no more than 45 min every three days. This allows the body to remove the liquefied fat before the next treatment.

Is it a safe treatment?

Yes. It’s a non-surgical procedure, without anaesthesia, non-invasive and allows you to carry on with your social life before and after the sessions.

Is it possible to lose weight with ultrasonic cavitation?

Because you are reducing fat deposits you may experience some loss in weight but Ultrasound Cavitation Non-Surgical “Liposuction” itself is not a weight loss treatment. It is particularly indicated to reduce adipose fat and cellulite, which will reduce circumference. 

Am I a good candidate for Ultrasound Cavitation?

It is ideal for people who are dissatisfied with certain areas of fatty deposits but do not want to undergo any invasive surgical treatment like liposuction. A good candidate is someone looking for fat removal from a specific area. The treatment does not necessarily result in overall weight loss, but results in improved shape & contour and size reduction in the treatment area. If you are currently following a healthy diet or a good weight loss plan, results will be more significant and weight loss will more likely occur.

Great results can be obtained for those who have up to 25 – 30 pounds or less to lose. Cavitation is ideal for those who have tried to shift the stubborn fatty bulges with diet or exercise and are aiming for a smoother and more balanced shape. Ultrasound Cavitation and RF body contouring is not a treatment for morbid obesity nor is it a weight loss cure. If a significant amount of surplus fat exists, we recommend successfully dieting before beginning the treatment program. 

In which areas is the ultrasonic cavitation more effective?

All parts of the body where localized adiposity resides; therefore legs, abdomen and buttocks are the most appropriate sites but there’s no real limitation regarding body areas.

How long will it take to recover from Ultrasonic cavitation?

You are able to return to your normal activities immediately. 

How much time should pass between two sessions?

It is best to perform your treatments 3 days apart. It is essential to allow your body enough time to metabolize and excrete fats and waste materials after each session.

When will I see the results?

Most clients experience a reduction in circumference after the first session, with increasing results after each visit but especially after the third treatment and onward. The results may vary from person to person with different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medications, and changes in hormones. Proper diet, adequate water intake and increased physical activity will certainly improve and help to maintain your results.

Results will continue to improve for several weeks following the last treatment session. You will continue to metabolize fat for up to twelve weeks, which means that, as most people do not make new fat cells in later life, the loss can be permanent. 

How many sessions of Cavitation is needed?

Between 3 and 12 sessions may be required. This depends on body mass and circumference size, age, hormonal balance, medications and your desired goals. It is also recommended to perform maintenance ongoing to maintain results.

Can I drink alcohol?

It is strongly recommended to avoid carbohydrates (including alcohol) for 24 hours post treatment, giving the body time to eliminate toxins and waste from the body. It is important to drink plenty of water to aid this process as well. Exercise is highly recommended to stimulate the circulatory and lymphatic systems to remove toxins released during a treatment.

What results can I expect?

An average of 1-2 inches total reduction in circumference can be achieved after a single treatment of the abdomen in most clients. Multiple treatments result in incremental circumference reduction and high client satisfaction in most individuals. Results are long lasting so long as you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. The fat cells are eliminated during a course of treatments, thereby reducing the body’s ability to increase in size. However a diet and lifestyle of poor food choices and indulgence will lead to further weight gain, so it is important to commit to a healthy diet and lifestyle to get the best long term benefits from your treatments.

Is there anyone who is not suited to this treatment?

Yes. Cavitation treatments are not recommended for people with active heart disease or vascular disease, pacemakers, thrombosis, patients requiring medical transplants, pregnancy and breast feeding, individuals with metal prostheses or any serious illness, or for those who are taking lipid lowering drugs or anticoagulant drugs.

Are the results of the Cavitation similar to those with surgical liposuction?

Yes, because the Cavitation destroys the fat cells (which do not replenish) in the treated area with no damage to the vascular system.

What happens to the fat?

Once the fat has been released by the cells it is dispersed into the fluid between the cells then transported to the liver. The liver makes no distinction between fat coming from a Cavitation treatment and fat originating from consumed foods. Both are processed by the body’s natural mechanisms and converted to bile. This is excreted from the body naturally via the urine and stools.


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Hi, I wanted to know where the product is made and where it will be shipped from. Also how long will it take to receive the product once ordered. Thank you.

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